Dave here. Lisa typing again. What a great day.
We are camped at a KOA campground outside Moab, UT, access to Arches National park and Canyonlands National Park. We had to let the rain subside and wait for a window in the clouds to get the tent up and the car attached. Our last 30 miles here was an adventure in western rain storms. We spotted funnel clouds which went right behind the car. I was pushing pretty hard to beat the storm. It was still here when we arrived at our campsite. Got camp set up, dinner made and ate and the rain hit hard. It really came down and thunder and lightening over the cliffs a mile to immediate west and was a good test for the tent. We sat in the tent in our chairs and tried to watch Monday night's Hawaii Five-O. We had a small leak because the car was backed up too close to the tent and no damage done.
Out the door at 8:30 and on our way to Arches. Stopped at Visitor's Center and saw the orientation movie. Fascinating history of this area.
You will see in the photos attached sandstone fins thrusting out of the ground. The center of these fins erodes through small cracks and they become arches when the center falls out. The arches continue to enlarge until they too eventually fall down. The geology here is ongoing. The park is not just arches but magnificent vistas of red stone canyons, pinnacles, spires and balanced rocks. The latter are particularly interesting as you will see the photos attached. An enormous stone rests atop a pinnacle which is slowly eroding beneath it. It's hard to believe some of them can balance that way especially when you stand directly underneath it. I found two previously unknown rock formation. I hope Lisa will attach photos of my discoveries, Dave's Balanced Rock and Dave's Arch.
We really needed some exercise after sitting in the car for the last few days. We decided to do a few hikes in Arches. We took the primitive trail to Windows where we approached it from the back side which is the only place where you can see both Windows at the same time. Got lots of good photos. I spoke to a couple in German who did not realize I was American. Haven't lost my native accent. Nice to know. The Windows, as for all the Arches, are much larger than one would think from just viewing a photograph. I hope Lisa will show the photograph I took of her in the North Window. My ankles were holding up then. Off to the next challenge - the Moab symbol on their license plate - The Delicate Arch. One has two choices - to hike to a close up view of Delicate Arch or drive to a lower view in which the Arch is a significant distance away. We were looking for exercise and chose the former. It was tough. A mile and a half, allegedly, up. It was great exercise. Lisa and I accomplished it without a break. I practiced my Zen breathing and was very pleased that my training was once again validated. The climb was about a 1/4 mile over a slanted sandstone plate at a steep angle. Then through a slightly uphill saddle to a 3 foot wide walkway with a sheer drop-off along a sandstone cliff to a site overlooking the Arch. Mrs. Aerobics was carrying a 25 pound pack and had to be held in check to keep from running the distance (Lordy, Lordy I wish I was 40). Naturally, Lisa had to get under the Arch at considerable danger to herself. I could not stand to look at it while she asked someone else to take photographs. We started back down and were struck by the number of people ill-equipped for the climb, no or little water, no hat. It was a tough climb and people were advised at the entrance to the climb to have plenty of water, good hiking shoes and to monitor their physical fitness. No wonder the Rangers have to assist people off this climb. There were people with no water. We even heard some woman in a group of about 6 people state that "I wish we had brought some water" and they were not even two-thirds into the climb. It was hot, in a desert, on a barren climb with no shade. Can't fix stupid.
After Arches, we went down the Potash Road to view the petroglyphs and the dinosaur tracks. We missed a lot of the petroglyphs so maybe more of that tomorrow. Probably do Canyonlands and then head toward Zion and Bryce National Parks. We intend to be in Las Vegas Monday and Tuesday but are willing to stay a third day, luxuriating by the pool with Margaritas. If anyone is planning to join us please let us know where you are staying, if you need an airport pick up - we can do that. If you need Cirque du Soleil tickets we can get them for you. But you must let us know ASAP. We are going to the Zumanity show possibly on Tuesday evening. We are planning to leave Wednesday but are willing to stay another day if people will be joining us.
More adventures tomorrow.
Lisa here.
The views of the Arches and landscape was beautiful. It is amazing to see what time, wind and water will do to sandstone. Just for the record - I was not in considerable danger to myself. There was plenty of rock to support me.
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