Up at 7 and packed up by 7:45. We got this camping thing down. Traveled across to Oconaluftee Visitor Center on the Newfound Gap Road. One overlook, called Newfound Gap, marks the state line for between North Carolina and Tennessee. The Appalachian Trail is here as well and i walked 20 minutes on it. I am a long way from from the end of the trail which terminates in Maine – 1,972 miles.
We stopped in Cherokee, VA for a breakfast of eggs and grits. We caught up with the Blue Ridge Parkway and we stopped at an overlook where you could see the smoke hanging in the mountains. Traffic not too bad and speed limit is 45 mph. Many beautiful overlooks and my camera can't adequately capture the immense landscape and rolling hills but my phone did. The fall colors continue to be brilliant yellows and reds.
Drove 87 miles on Blue Ridge Parkway to Asheville, NC – which was enough for Dave because he was driving was getting tired. Got off the Parkway in Asheville, NC for lunch and then got on I26 to I81 and are heading to Lexington, VA for the evening.
Tomorrow we will visit Monticello – the home of Thomas Jefferson. We will take a tour and then head on to Arlington National Cemetery to watch the Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknowns.
You might check to see if your camera is set for the highest quality pictures, they take more space but are certainly worth it. There should be a menu option you can get into that will let you set some options.