Up at 6:30 am. Thundering and lightening and pouring rain.
Dave and mom went to mass and said Father Stitt prayed for "all travelers and especially Lisa." Spoke to mom and visited Dave at Partridge Knoll before he started his exercise class. On my way to get Deb.
Since it was raining I called Parkway Chevrolet at 8:15 to see of they would put new wiper blades on my car. They said they could have them there at 8:45. Off to Parkway I go and what a difference it made. It wasn't chattering as the blades wiped.
Picked up Deb at her house and as I was traveling there my tire pressure light came on. Stopped at Stewart's for air and then on our way to get Mary. Successful pick up and then to Central Square for the last traveller, Libby. Still raining hard. We went to a nice little diner called R diner and had sandwiches. By the time we were finished the rain let up. Off to the Syracuse airport. Dropped Deb and Libby off with luggage and Mary and I went to park car. We had to use overflow lot as the others were full. Parked near the ticket booth so our friend Sam could find it easier and he took it to his house so we didn't have to pay for it to sit in the lot for 9 days.
Got boarding passes and to the gate. Got there around 2 pm. Plane departs at 5:10 pm.
Was able to get mom set up with What's App.
Uneventful flight to Detroit. Landed at gate A50 and needed to go to gate A56. Not very far of a walk. Had a little dinner at Mezza's of Chicken BLT.
Depart Detroit for Charles de Gaulle airport in France at 9:10 pm. Again another uneventful flight. They served dinner of your choice of pasta or chicken at 10:45 pm. I had pasta and it was not great. Pasta shells with a roll, salad, cheese and brownie. Had entertainment channels to watch. Difficult to sleep. They served breakfast at 4 am of orange juice, brioche bun, and a blueberry muffin.
Pre-flight photo
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